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HomeVirtual Disaster Debris Management Workshop August 30, 2023
Virtual Disaster Debris Management Workshop
August 30th from 9-11am

Registration - Complimentary

Recorded Session - CCDEH YouTube Video Recording of Meeting

Workshop PowerPoint Presentations and Agenda

Debris Management Workshop Presentation CDPH

Debris Management Workshop Presentation CalOES

Debris Workshop Agenda 8.30.2023

The ER Committee has been working with CalEPA, CalOES, DTSC, CDPH and CalRecycle to set up a 2 hour workshop on August 30th from 9-11.  We will be presenting information and answering questions about how to prepare for debris related disaster along with an over view of what a State versus County run program may look like.  The workshop will cover a program overview, Pre-event planning and expectations and technical resources to assist with answering some of the following questions: 


  • How should a County Environmental Health agency plan and prepare for a disaster debris management program?
  • What is the difference between a locally run public program and a State run program?
  • When would a County be asked to run the public program and how can they prepare? 
  • What resources are currently available and what can be done locally to facilitate outcomes if a program is required?
  • What technical support and resources are available and how can they be accessed by a County?


We have an incredible opportunity to bring together the following experts to share this information and answer questions.  Currently the following presenters are confirmed:

Welcome and Introductions

Speakers:  Christine Sosko and Kristy Anderson (CCDEH Emergency Response Committee)


Overview - State of the State

Speaker:  Jason Boetzer, CalEPA Assistant Secretary



Cal EPA – Updates and

Speakers:  John Elkins, CalEPA Environmental Program Manager


CalOES/CalRecycle - Disaster Debris Removal Operations

Speakers CalOES: Baylor Cartica, Senior Emergency Services Coordinator; Kevin Sokol,

Speakers CalRecycle: Heather Geldart, Deputy Director; Courtney Hart,  Jeremy Edwards




Speakers:  Ivan Rodriguez, Emergency Response; Denise Tsuji, Emergency Response


CDPH - Public & Environmental Health Emergency Planning, Response & Recovery
Speakers:  Sauda Yerabati, Chief – Environmental Support Section;  Michelle Patterson, Chief – Planning, Recovery and Evaluation Branch;  Alex Shubek, Chief – Intelligence Section, Program and Response Branch


Questions and Action Items

Facilitator:  Marie Wooden, CCDEH Retired Director and past Chair of ER Committee

 For Questions please email 

Christine M. Sosko, REHS

Director of Environmental Health

Sonoma County