CCDEH sponsors three different awards at different times throughout the year.
The Gary Erbeck Food Safety Leadership Award is typically given at the Food Systems Symposium, typically held every two years. The last Symposium was held in 2017.
The Bob Merryman Manager of the Year Award is given annually, coinciding with the California Environmental Health Association (
CEHA) Conference where a $1,500 scholarship is provided to a deserving Manager in Environmental Health.
The Conference established an annual Excellence in Environmental Health Award to acknowledge outstanding programs which are innovative, creative, and effective in providing quality environmental health services. It is intended that the award give statewide and local recognition to local environmental health agency accomplishments and thereby enhance the visibility and public image of CCDEH and its membership.
San Bernardino County as the 2023 Excellence in Environmental Health award recipient for their Pool Safety Survey Program!
Gary Erbeck Food Safety Leadership Award
Bob Merryman Manager of the Year Award
Excellence in Environmental Health